PD Help

Great resources you can add to PDs you are giving. 

Supporting Immigrants in Schools Video Series

A four-part video series that provides information and illustrates successful practices in order to support educators in creating safe and welcoming environments for immigrant students and families. Great to use when offering PD. Comes with step-by-step guide for each video. 


Key Immigration Issues

Refugees and Immigrants in Schools Immigration in Elementary Schools Immigration in Secondary Schools

Betsy Markman slides: This is a FANTASTIC presentation that includes so many examples, photos and links. The amazing Betsy Markman created a slide presentation to help regular education classroom teachers with ELs in their classes. If you are doing PD for reg. ed., start here. Definitely my favorite resource on this topic! 

Betsy Markman's thorough Math presentation. Many photos and examples

Valentina Gonzales Infographics: Why I like them- "Short and sweet and hard to beat!"  Friendly, brightly colored,  and a quick read.  Great for teacher training, new teacher orientation, or newsletters. I leave copies in my substitute notes too. https://elementaryenglishlanguagelearners.weebly.com/infographics.html @ValentinaESL

Tan Huynh's "Bathroom Brief's": In Tan's words- "All educators are teachers of language, but not every educator has time to learn the strategies to teach language. That’s the purpose of Bathroom Briefs (BB). Each Monday, I physically post a new BB in the faculty bathroom.  They offer a quick, easily accessible strategy that can be used cross-content." 

You are free to use these, modify them, translate them as needed. Please just reference that you got them from his site. He’d love to see how you use them and share them on Twitter, so please tag him. (@TanELLclassom)

Jody Nolf's videos: Jody is a passionate educator who's always searching for lessons, strategies, and support from and for fellow #ELLWarriors. However, she realized early on that there were limited resources for secondary content and ESOL teachers. Search after search brought her to ESOL resources that were GREAT--just not suitable to her secondary teachers' needs. So she created these videos and resources to share with all her teachers. Lucky for us, she posts them on her site so others can use them too. @JodyNolf


Visual Supports and Accomodations by South Carolina K-12 ESOL: 


Bics vs CALPS

Great resource from Kimiko Marie Newbata 

All students are learning academic vocabulary and language structures. All educators, regardless of their subject area, are teachers of language. The supports we put into place for multilingual language learners will benefit ALL students.

Here's a video I created this afternoon to help folks understand the importance of vocabulary, with a good example of how not knowing just 9 words in a text can make it seem like nonsense (may be helpful in developing empathy for multilingual language learners and prompt some desire to tap into vocabulary acquisition strategies, visuals, etc. 

Best practice infographic. Source: https://alyciaowen.com/infographics/

Benefits of being bilingual. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NBQcs6zbcBqSPf2xuFApxkxsDHGvBZAE/view?usp=sharing

I speak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL7Gt9fldnU

What it is like to not have language support:

Free Recorded PD Sources

Seidlitz Education:  They have fantastic paid PD and they  also have a generous amount of free PD on many topics  https://seidlitzeducation.com/webinars/

Saddleback Educational Publishers:   https://www.sdlback.com/webinar-series

MLL formerly, VirtuEl: This annual, virtual conference created by Carol Salva and Tan Huynh is a collection of speakers on many topics impacting ELs. Each year is different so be sure to check out the different years. https://sites.google.com/view/ml-summit/home

English Language Portal: Vlogs, webinars and various resources  https://www.englishlearnerportal.com/free-training

MADPD: Online conference 2020 Many topics some reg ed and some EL. https://app.awesome-table.com/-M5x2L-YxHd7WPNoLnoC/view

Ellevation: https://info.ellevationeducation.com/ellevation-impact-2021

Dakota TESOL : https://dakota.nicegirlsmedia.com/conference-resources/

The importance of saying names correctly.