Awards and Honors
Presenter at National Education Association Symposium, Washington, DC. 2018
HEB Lifetime Achievement Award 2018
Rotary International Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award
Nominated as Outstanding Teacher of American History by TSSAR Chapter 64
Inducted into the CFISD Wall of Fame 2013, 2018
Special Congressional Recognition from US House of Representatives for “Outstanding and Innovative work” 2014 (Bronze medal- highest award for a civilian.)
ESL Secondary Teacher of the Year -Texas Association for Bilingual Education (TABE)
ESL Secondary Teacher of the Year -Suburban Houston Association for Bilingual Education (SHABE)
ESL Secondary Teacher of the Year- Cypress Fairbanks ISD
ESL Teacher of the Year –Cypress Falls High School
Bronze Good Citizenship medal-Robert Rankin Chapter #62 Sons of the Revolution
Teacher of the Year, Newcomer Center: Arlington, Texas.
Presenter at Texas Association of School Board Leadership Conference
Presenter at TexTesol Conferences. (Houston, Dallas, San Antonio)
Presented for Seidlitz, Conference and online
Presenter at VirtuEl Conference
Interviewed by YouSchool
Presenter at Klein ISD
Presenter: European Council of International Schools Conference- Germany
Keynote: Celebration of Teaching, Sam Houston University
Author: Santillana: Spain/Richmond Publishing England.
Keynote Speaker stateside and internationally